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Coaching Support

You've got options.

Short-term, long-term, a quick brainstorming sesh, & everything in between.

Image by Caroline Hernandez

This 3 pack is a great place to get started. You'll acquire practical strategies and guidance to help you become your best authoritative (aka: consistent, collaborative, and boundaried) self. After some brief history taking, we'll get down-to-business in helping you to strengthen your ability to parent with steadiness.

Image by Tim Mossholder

This pack is recommended if you're deep into the trenches of struggle at home. Some kids feel feelings bigger & louder, which makes parenting feel more confusing & exhausting. This pack gives you a chance to explore the origin of your own parenting triggers and gain a deeper understanding of what is happening with your kiddo(s). 

Image by Keren Fedida

There's comfort in knowing that there is someone available consistently that knows you (& your family dynamic) that you can rely on for problem solving, validating, & strategizing all that is tough about raising kids. You get to take your time practicing strategies between sessions and know there's space for follow up and compassionate accountability. 


Recommended for families that have a very specific question and are looking for as straight-forward of an answer as possible. Less history taking, more present and future talk. You'll leave this one-off session with a couple of quick strategies to try. 

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